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Prime Time -- Fitting out Bimini, VHF, Depth...

posted 10-07-2008 by Tom W

Tied up to the dock at Georges Island while we explore Fort Warren.

Prime Time at Georges Island, Boston Harbor

I am 6 feet tall and my head just touches the bimini when standing up straight. No problem sitting in the stern rail seats. This is the 6 foot long model -- a 4 foot long one is available. I moved the mainsheet attach point on the boom forward 8 inches to clear the front edge of the bimini.

Bimini shown in up position

Bimini shown is stowed position

The VHF mounting braket was attached to the existing access plate, and a slot was cut at the edge of the plate to run wire through. PVC pipe was used to feed antenna wire through deck. The antenna lead has only two conectors: one at the antenna, one to the back of the radio. The PVC pipe is large enough (1 inch ID) to feed the connector through.

VHF installed just aft of compression post

Note that the epoxy has yellowed from UV exposure; needs to be painted with gelcoat (Someday!). Drilled a hole in a PVC endcap and fed cable through before attaching connector for weather tight seal. The cable is sealed with Silicon sealer. When the mast is down, a plain cap covers the hole to keep the weather out.

Top side of antenna feed through

I wanted a simple depth readout and this unit (Humminbird) provides it. The sender is epoxied to the inside of the hull just aft of the bilge pump.

Depth gauge installed in compass pad

It encroaches in the cabin in the head, but is out of the way. The sender wire was fed through the light wire access hole.

Back view of depth gauge.

This shows the pedestal with guard, RAM mike (remote control, speaker and mic for VHF) connector, Simrad auto pilot. Pilot power was run through the guard tube, the RAM mic cable was run through a notch filed into the top of the pedestal, under the plate.


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