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All ads are FREE but must meet the following criteria:
  • Ads may be placed only by registered users who joined before 09-22-2024
  • Limit of 3 ads running concurrently.
  • No commercial advertisers including salvagers and resellers. The ads are for private boat owners to buy, sell, or swap surplus parts and gear.
  • Only one item per ad, please.
  • No boats for sale except dinghies. Sailboats over 12' should be posted in boats for sale.
  • Used gear only, please. The occasional new spare is okay but generally speaking, new parts may be posted only with permission of the site administrator.
  • Violation of these terms will result in suspension from the site. All ads are reviewed at the time they are placed.
  • Inquiries are sent through the site's Private Messaging system. We urge you not to put your email address in the ad.
  • Gear ads are not supported. Unfortunately, we cannot cancel your ad for you or resize/upload images.
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