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Repair leak from Arch

posted 07-03-2021 by dchipley

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I have been searching for the source of water leaking into the aft cabin. This spring it rained steady and when I took pictures up from the aft lazerettes up to the ach bolts you could see the drips coming off the arch attachment bolts. When I removed the speaker panels from the arch a) there was a lot of waste residue b) the drains were at least 3/4 above the low point.
So: 1) I vacuumed and cleaned. 2) I drilled a new low point drain on each side. 3) I found some small parts storage containers that fit over the bolt heads and washers, vented them and installed them with butyl-rubber over the three bolts and washers on each side.
While I was at it I sealed the holes that wiring passed through although they are well above the low point

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