Hunter Owner Modifications and Upgrades

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Reefing main

posted 07-11-2009 by John Denison

I have never been satisfied with the Hunter 26 reefing system, so I modified it as follows. First I knocked the pin out of the forward boom pulley that is used for the existing reefing line and drilled a hole in the housing, make sure you deburr both the inside and outside of the hole. Route the reefing line under the pulley instead of over the top as you reinstall the pulley. The previous owner had installed a block to the cabin top near the mast and a cleat to the right side of the hatch, see the picture for location. Starting at the boom, put the line through the forward of the two boom padeyes with a figure of eight. Run the line up through the eye in the reefing eyelet in the leach of the sail, back down and under the pulley in the end of the boom. Through the boom and under the forward pulley as previously mentioned. Up through the hole drilled in the boom housing and on up to the forward reefing eyelet in the luff of the sail. The return line must come out around the luff rope and over the sail slug as shown in the picture. Now, down to the block on the top of the cabin roof at the base of the mast and over to the cleat at the hatch. It does take a little tugging and lifting of the boom but you can reef from the cockpit. Once the sail is reefed I am not using the ramshead hook. Loop the excess line and hang it from the cleat. In order to pull on the line you must have the eyelet about 6 above the boom to allow the line to run through it. So I lock the main halyard up a bit. After everthing is where I want it I drop the halyard a bit to bring the eyelet down to the boom and tighten the reef line. With a little practice this works quite well.

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