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Bye Ugly reading lights, hello new cabin fans

posted 11-01-2014 by Albert Klettke

I hated the factory reading lights, they were missing finish outdated and very ugly.
What I did need were more 12 volt cabin fans. I bought a couple of marine two speed fans that came with a pedestal mount.
I removed the old lights and salvaged the base plate from the lights and chucked the rest. I drilled the base to accept the fans pedestal mount and painted the brass base gloss black to match the fans. Cut the fans wires to length and fed them in to the new base.
last thing was to connect the wires and screw the bases back on the same place I removed them from.
looks great, already wired and provides a breeze exactly where I need it. With the skylight LED lighting installed the reading lights were no longer needed.

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