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H34 Rub Rail Damage

posted 10-07-2008 by Al Shaffer

See H34 Rub Rail Damage

Our Marina scheduled to have our boat taken out on a Sunday and I wanted to be there when they did so. However when we arrived at the lift there were three boats in front of us and the haul out crew advised us that they could not get to it until Monday. They told us where to dock it and we did so with all bumpers in place. I did not care for the dock location, but assumed they knew what they were doing and it would only be there for one calm night. Before we left the boat I asked the yard manager to take a look at her and make sure she was the way they wanted it, which he said he would. That next Wed. I received a call from the yard manager to tell me that the boat had been removed on Tuesday. Then on Thursday I received another call from him who advised me that there was a slight bit of chaffing along the rub rail where it had got into the dock. He assured me it was only cosmetic and it was not bad; however I should contact my insurance company. When I arrived the next weekend this is what I found.

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