Hunter 30_74-83 Owner Modifications and Upgrades

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What a mess!!!

posted 10-07-2008 by Troy Ingersoll

Such a deal... My father got this 78 Hunter from a friend who owed him money. She was moving out of state to improve her living situation (after an ugly divorce). Dad wanted her to have some traveling money. Since she only had the boat, he offered to buy it (anyway, she would have trouble getting it to Idaho).

I was pulled into the deal when my Dad offered me a partnership in the boat. I did some research on the make and model, did the math, and concluded it looked really good on paper. I had dreams of sailing off into the sunset with my wife.

Then we went down to see it...........

Always willing to help a friend in need?!#@?

Turns out my original math was wrong, it should have been more like this (sailboat plus smoking cat lover = big mess)
I took a couple of friends with me to inspect my new investment (keep in mind, we really committed to buy this boat to help out our friend). Looking back, we probably should have inspected the boat BEFORE committing to buy.

It didnt look too bad from the outside. There was no major damage to exterior of the boat. Then, we went inside...

The boat was basically open all the time. The cat had the freedom to come and go as it pleased. As we entered to boat, my friend Dan, noticed dozens of small black dots on his legs FLEAS, thousands of them. As we ran screaming from the boat, I began to see why Idaho looked so appealing.

AWE, I love that new boat smell!

Here is another photo of the interior, after the smoke had cleared (so to speak).

I was amazed that anyone could live like this. It had an interesting smell, a unique mix of cigarette smoke, cat urine, and other unknown smells. There was cat hair everywhere. The boat was more like a floating litterbox. There was also a sticky residue everywhere. We think (maybe hope) it is nicotine.

2 bug bombs later...

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