Hunter 30_74-83 Owner Modifications and Upgrades

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Couldnt have made it this far without your help

posted 10-07-2008 by Bob Friend

The admiral has been sanding her little fingers to the bone, new mast wiring connections and new ports

Good old roof

New Interior going in, all the drawers and cabinets are finished and in the cellar, once the wiring is done, they are ready to go in. Table is rehabbed and ready as well You can just see a hint of the new speakers, and instruments with no exposed wiring (Puffs out chest). New AC/DC Panel. The admiral has just about run out of paint brushes and wax.

Looking a little homey?

Hasnt been used yet.

New Head........Special thanks to PEG!!!

New two burner Gas Stove, and old sink, new panel surfaces, and hole for cooler not cut out yet.The panels behind the Galley are in the thinking stage.

Galley in the works

The whole bulkhead had to be replaced.

This Panel was missing when we got the boat

A New 25 hp, 3 cyl Vetus Diesel. Nice color huh?

The heart of the beast!

You can see some residue from the overhaul.

Doors are done but not installed yet

Can Anyone imagine working in a mess like this? Four months and counting. Thanks everyone for answering the 92,356 Questions. Ill have a few more I am sure. We will keep you all posted as it nears completion. By the way if you want to ask any questions, you will have to ask my wife, after this project, I am brain dead! It may take about four gallons of Rum to christen ROVER, and thats not for the gods, its for the owners.

This is Command Central!

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