Hunter 30_74-83 Owner Modifications and Upgrades

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Elbow Replacement

posted 10-07-2008 by Thom Hoffman

See New Elbow and Hardware

After getting the old elbow out, the new parts were configured for installation. After removing the small gooseneck hose at the top, removing the old elbow required: (1)the removal of the four bolts holding the collar to the manifold at the forward (L end of pic.)end of the assembly, (2) breaking the seal/gasket and (3) loosening the hose clamp(s) at the forward end of the muffler. Twisting and pulling on the whole thing eventually resulted in the muffler losing its grip on the hose and out came the mixing elbow and related parts. WD40, hammer and vice-clamps were needed (at home) to separate the elbow from the collar. Removed all of the gasket material from the collar and manifold before installing the new gasket. Put teflot tape around threads where mixing elbow joined collar and tightened securely. New exhaust hose to the muffler (and close inspection of hose clamps) completed the overhaul.

See Elbow In

New assembly installed in 2QM15 with gooseneck hose visible in upper left of photo as the elbow trails off down

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